Shift happens.

A video that we were shown in college today. It’s a bit lengthy, but if you actually consider some of the points… it’s quite an eye-opener to the amazing and evolving world we live in. My personal favorite: “It’s estimated that a week’s work of New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th Century”.

10 interesting questions that every intelligent Christian must answer

Why won’t god heal amputees?

This is an interesting question that it is easy to dismiss. Along with 9 other often overlooked questions regarding faith, a blog asking this question made ‘most interesting blog’ on Myspace today, attracting over 30,000 views.

Comments back online

For a couple of months now I’ve been getting some weirdass bugs with my commenting system. I just re-wrote it pretty much from the ground up, and it seems to be working OK so far. For now. For the time being all that I’m aware of is a cosmetic issue with the submit button overlapping the text area in IE7 – if you notice any bugs on other browsers then drop me a line in the comments.

Is procrastination intrinsically bad?

v. intr.
To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
v. tr.
To postpone or delay needlessly.

I’ve found myself procrastinating a lot recently. This has generally been regarding my AS Applied IT coursework – I let myself slip so far behind that even thinking about makes the insides of my palms cold and wet.

Ad hominem

Sometimes I will attempt to challenge your perception of things. Sometimes I will ask you to forget about your morals and deeply ingrained opinions and to look at something objectively. And sometimes I will be linking to media that some people may find outlandish.

In preparation for this, here are two introductory snippets from someone who I consider to be fairly stimulating. Whilst I don’t agree with what he says in all of his videos, and whilst the way he voices his opinions can be a little questionable, he’s someone that I will be linking to on here in my quest to get you to think.

5th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion

5 years after the initial invasion of Iraq, the Guardian has an interesting video and article on ‘an uncompromising speech’ by George Bush regarding the event. In the video, Bush says: “Five years into this battle, there is an understandable debate over whether the war was worth fighting, whether the fight is worth winning, and […]